Saturday, February 18, 2012

Voyage to Versailles

Last Wednesday we decided to take a trip outside of Paris.  Since it was supposed to be almost 50 degrees outside, this would be the perfect opportunity to go somewhere where we would be outdoors for the majority of the day.  Versailles is located about 25 miles south of Paris.  We got out the door about 11am.  At about 11:45am, I realized that we were on the wrong train.  So, we promptly headed back 6 stops in the other direction and caught the right train and continued our journey towards the famous chateau.  So, what should have taken a total of about 45 minutes , instead, took almost 2 hours!  We made the best of the situation/adventure. 

I thought that we would be arriving in an isolated area where there would only be a big castle and a giant fence protecting it.  Wrong.  There is a whole city that has popped up around it!  We exited la gare and found ourselves on a busy boulevard with no signs pointing the way to the chateau.  Of course, we went the wrong way, but didn't get too far before we saw which way the crowds were headed and decided to follow the herd.  

Here's what we saw as we were walking up to the gates.


We spent about an hour going through the actual palace.  Here are a few photos of the interior.  Unfortunately, no flash allowed, so sorry they're a bit grainy!

This chandelier was in the ticket office.  I loved it, even though it isn't of the period!

Jeanne d'Arc

The Hall of Mirrors

We spent the majority of our stay outside in the gardens and in Marie Antoinette's Trianon.

In between the topiaries and walled hedges, we found a little cafe.  Yumm!  

We also found some French geese and sheep!

Next we headed into La Petite Trianon de Marie Antoinette.  She used this little chateau as an escape from Louis XVI and his court.  This was probably one of my favorite buildings on the premises because of its miniature castle-like features.

This was known as Marie Antoinette's tree.  It also lost it's head.

Les toilettes

From the courtyard

From the garden

The summer dining area

The grounds of Versailles are massive!  We never even made it to some of the other buildings on the property!  If ever you plan to pay this chateau a visit.  Spend the majority of your time on the grounds, which go on for miles in each direction!  It's totally worth it!

Hope you enjoyed this mini tour!  Next up on the agenda?  

London's calling!


  1. Sad that the weather kept us from visiting. We will put this at the top of our list for the next time.

    1. It's definitely a good thing that we didn't go before. We would have been so miserable in the cold! Brrr... We'll definitely go back and see the rest that we missed! We never made it to the little village where Marie Antoinette played "villager." Next time...
