Sunday, February 19, 2012

These Fleas Don't Bite!

Today, we took a train out to le marche aux puces, although that might sound dirty, the literal translation is a flea market.  The one located in Clignancourt is the largest in the world.  We wandered around for hours!  Colin was looking for investments.  Emily wasn't sure what she was looking for, but would know it when she saw it!  

When we first arrived, many young North Africans were trying to sell us fake Rolex watches and other faux designer items.  We speeded through them and headed into the market.  Long rows of African hip-hop dealers sold clothing and CDs at bargain rates!  Colin didn't end up buying much as most of the prices for the collectables were just too high.  However, Emily did get some GREAT deals and the cultural experience was quite fun!  A large Rastafarian really liked Colin's Adidas shoes and green pants!

Emily found a pair of fantastic jeans for only 15 euros and then stumbled upon a great shoe stall.  I told the guy my shoe size, 39.  He looked shocked and commented that I had huge feet!  What?!  That's only a 7.5 in the States...not that big...quite average, actually.  I was looking for some boots that would come up to my knee, but since I have very large calf muscles, it's very difficult, if not impossible, to find boots my size.  He was also shocked and asked, "Vous faites du sport?"  - Do you play sports?  No.  He didn't have tall boots that fit.  But, I got some FANTASTIC ankle boots for 10 euros!  WOW!  Colin really likes them!  This market definitely has the best deals on clothing!  Now, I just need to find a new top to complete the outfit!  

As we were making our way down one of the long aisles of clothing, Colin found a super cool, fold-able hat at a hip-hop stand for 5 euros!  What a deal!  

Big Pappa C, Gangsta Rappa

Upon leaving the market and heading back to the metro, Colin attempted to buy a fake Rolex.  It was pretty funny, the North African man he was talking to, was trying so hard to sell him one, but all of the really cool blingy ones were already gone.  He was pretty insistent that the Rolex was real, but for 50 euros?  I don't think so...nice try.  Then, Colin got SWARMED by 3 more men all fighting over him, even though he had already decided that he wasn't go to buy the watch.  They started fighting each other over him and pushing and pulling!  Awesome!  We had to quickly escape!  BTW, there was no danger involved.  It was just a funny experience.  It's hard to believe these guys do this all day long to put food on the table.  Colin wishes he would have found the one so that he could give them some money, but they weren't "blingy enough" for him.  ha!  

In all, the flea market is just too big and complicated and most of the really cool antique items are just too overpriced.  So, we will head to a couple of smaller flea markets hoping to have better success!  

To round out our evening, we stopped by the boulangerie and bought two sandwiches, two baguettes, an olive bread and two patisseries.  I commented to the lady that we wanted to buy everything since we were so hungry.  She said, "Ce n'est pas un probleme!"  -  That is no problem!  

Tres chouette!  

These are called Religieuse au chocolate and they are AMAZING!
Then, we headed over to our local grocery who is open on Sundays and bought some soup and wine.  Now we're gonna enjoy our night in and get ready for tomorrow's adventure! 

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